Q: How did you find Gemini Boudoir, and what made you decide to book your boudoir experience(s)?

A: Someone I worked with was super excited about her experience and showed me a pic. I immediately asked for the information and began following on Facebook. When I saw an unbeatable sale price I decided it was time!

Q: Were you nervous when booking, or leading up to your session day(s)?

A: Absolutely no nervous feelings at all! I had seen so much that I completely loved, that I was sure it would turn out wonderful!

Q: What were your favorite moments during your experience(s)?

A: I loved all of the laughter and goofy vibes! At one point while we were talking about completely off the wall stuff I remember thinking to myself, "You're basically naked, y'all just met, and this is ridiculously comfortable..."

Q: How do you feel now that you've went through with your session and seen your images?

A: I couldn't be more in love with this process! For one, I should have known I'd want the whole kit and caboodle and never have tried to limit myself to picking 20 images!! There's absolutely no way!! Two, I should have never waited as long as I did and three, how many others can I tell?!

Q: What would you say to someone who’s on the fence about booking their own experience?

A:  Look y'all, this is an EXPERIENCE. You aren't paying for photos. You're paying for the massive confidence boost, for the way your heart will swell when you see yourself and your true feminine nature. You're getting amazing memories of the entire process which is SO MUCH FREAKING FUN! You will go back through these photos again and again and again because you know what, when life is nuts or when you haven't touched your makeup bag in two months or you and your partner haven't had a date night in forever- you can see these and REMEMBER WHO YOU ARE. DON'T WAIT, TREAT YOURSELF TO THE EXPERIENCE.